Efficient transportation is New Zealand’s lifeblood – we’re nothing without it. But for trucks on the road, busy ports, rail, depots, and public transport there’s more than timetables and logistics to think about. There’re also the risks of dangerous goods and other hazards to be managed. Because no one ever knows what’s around the next corner.
Helping to safeguard staff, companies and their reputations, communities, and the environment, is Hazero.
Action-ready solutions include the Hazero Vehicle and Truck Spill Kits which have become essentials for leading transport companies. Easy to deploy and with spill response instructions included, they’re the next best thing to having a dangerous goods expert in the cab.
Why is it so important? Apart from anything else, because the company’s logo is on that vehicle.
And, let’s face it, transportation businesses’ safety is at the mercy of the goods they carry. That means containment, control and clean-up solutions need to be well thought through. Spills, large and small, need to be managed using specialist absorbents. (Not sawdust – which is a fire hazard.) Similarly, if high risk products are transited, emergency showers and eye wash systems should be on site. Just in case.
No matter how careful everyone is, drums and other containers carrying dangerous goods get damaged from time to time. So, safe containment should be right there. Along with drain protection for wash down areas.
Working near waterways? There are specialist clean-up products which attract hydrocarbons while leaving the water behind – making a great job while reducing waste.
We’ve highlighted just a few relevant issues and solutions that will help improve your workplace safety culture and compliance.
But there’s lots more besides.
Create a safer working environment in the Transport industry.