
    The education sector has many well-publicised challenges. But among the lesser known is the responsibility for appropriately managing dangerous goods and hazardous fluids in order to keep staff, pupils, and the environment safe.

    It’s not straight forward. Not least because the Health and Safety Officer often has another full-time teaching or administrative job.

    Hazero is here to make their life easier.

    We have a range of fit-for-purpose, professional products to pre-empt almost every dangerous goods eventuality. From highly engineered storage to containment, control, and clean-up of spills.

    Multiple risk sites in a school or campuses often mean a targeted approach is needed.

    In the caretaker’s shed, for example, oil, fuels, herbicides, fertilisers, paints, and gas cylinders require robust storage to protect people and avoid cross contamination or accidental misuse.

    Science labs, where space is often tight, need options including under-bench storage and secondary containment to catch chemical spills or overfills. Also at hand should be absorbents which can tackle challenging tasks such as neutralising acids and bases for safe disposal. (A whole chemistry lesson in itself.)

    Art departments, hair and beauty schools, and metal work departments typically have flammables including solvents, aerosols and gas on site which demand specialist storage to protect against fire, theft, or misuse.

    Products for cleaning-up after vomit or urine also need to be built into every educational facility’s arsenal. Along with safe disposal of needles and other sharps.

    Another particularly relevant group of products are the Hazero Spill Kits. Action-ready, they are available to safely deal with a whole range of emergency situations from mercury spills to bio hazards.

    We’ve highlighted just a few issues and solutions that will help improve your workplace safety culture and compliance.

    But there’s lots more besides.

    Create a safer working environment in the Education industry.

    16 products
    Stock due - call for lead times
    Chemshed Flammable Cabinet - 160L (04-1066)
    Chemshed Corrosive Cabinet - 250L (04-1074)
    Stock due - call for lead times
    Chemshed Toxic Cabinet - 60L (04-1141)
    Chemshed Agrichemical Cabinet - 250L (04-1146)
    Chemshed Gas Cylinder Store - 2 x 18kg (04-1030)
    Chemshed Aerosol Store - 180 Can (04-1109)
    Hazero Spill Tray - 20L (01-1032)
    Hazero Spill Tray - 40L (01-1036)
    Hazero Work Floor - Small (01-1022)
    Hazero Everyday Spill Kit - Chemical - 100L (13-1005)
    REFILL - Hazero Mobile Spill Kit - Aggressive - 100L (13-1005R)
    Biohazard Spill Kit (13-2001)
    Laboratory Spill Kit (13-2002)
    Emergency Safety Shower with Foot and Hand Operated Eye Wash (18-1001)
    Stock due - call for lead times
    Emergency Wall Mounted Hand Operated Eye Wash (18-1004)
    Emergency Pedestal Mounted Hand and Foot Operated Eye Wash (18-1005)