Loose Absorbents – An Overview

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What are Loose Absorbents?

Loose absorbents are granulated material typically supplied in varying size bags. Loose absorbents work particularly well on rough or damaged surfaces, or any situation where pad-style sorbents could prove ineffective.

At Hazero we have five different types of loose absorbent.

What are polypropylene sorbents? 

Polypropylene sorbents are a synthetic product made from non-woven, melt-blown polypropylene. These sorbents are highly effective and capable of retaining liquids several times their own weight. They are chemically resistant, making them ideal for absorbing corrosives, oxidizers, fuels, water and oil-based liquids. Sorbents made of polypropylene are very durable and can be landfilled with other hazardous waste, or incinerated. For more information on polypropylene sorbents, click here.

Polypropylene Sorbents vs. Loose Absorbent – which one do I use?

Polypropylene sorbents work best on flat surfaces, such as benches and smooth concrete floors. As they are synthetic, they do not deteriorate and they are also ideal for spill response kits, where they may sit for some time, before being used. The Oil Only type perform very well responding to oil & fuel spills on water, while the Aggressive type are an excellent option for situations where very harsh chemicals are held.

Loose absorbents are a good solution during spill incidents on rough surfaces, e.g. roads, grass verges, gravel or bitumen yards. They get into the challenging areas, and once absorption is complete, can be swept up and disposed of. Mineral absorbents are good for stronger chemicals, whereas organic ones can be risky in these cases. However, some organic loose absorbents are perfect for breaking down oil spills.

What types of Loose Absorbents are there?

There are a variety of loose absorbents available on the market today, and through years of experience, Hazero have selected the following products, to ensure the best possible solutions are available for the varying situations in New Zealand industry today.

Body Fluid Powder

A fast acting, natural absorbent for cleaning up spills of body fluids such as faeces, blood, vomit and urine. Available in 1kg and 5kg tubs.

Mineral Sponge

An inert mineral absorbent that can be safely used on a very broad range of hydrocarbon and chemical spills. Available in 2.5kg9kg, and 14kg bags.


A 100% natural product that has a unique ability to absorb, retain and then break down spills of oil and other hydrocarbons. Available in a 6kg bag, and 22kg bales.


A chemical neutraliser that is used to neutralise acids & bases and adsorb liquids, control odours and neutralize gases. Supplied in a 1.2kg shaker pack.

Absorbent W

An organic particulate designed to contain and control hydrocarbon spills, while repelling water (will float). Made from reclaimed pulp from the paper manufacturing process. Supplied in a 60L bag.

Hazero Rocksorb
A 100% natural product, non-toxic, and non-hazardous pumice, New Zealand-harvested, and packed by Attainable Trust. Absorbs, retains and then breaks down spills of oil and other hydrocarbons. Available in a 4L bag and 20L bag

Are Loose Absorbents organic?

No, not all loose absorbents are organic – however those within our range that are is Enviropeat, and Absorbent W.

How do I know what Loose Absorbent is best for a hazardous substance spill?

Download our compatibility guide here.

How do I use sorbents to control and clean-up a hazardous substance spill?

Download our free resource here, for a step by step guide to using sorbents in a hazardous substance spill.

Creating safer working environments

At Hazero our mission is zero hazards. Our extensive range of quality products will help you store, contain and control and clean-up dangerous goods and hazardous substances.

View our full range of Hazero Loose Absorbents here.

Need help creating a safer working environment? Contact our team today on 0800 688 844 or email us at help@hazero.co.nz. Our team are also available for on-site assessments across New Zealand, click here to request a site visit.

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