Flexi Bund – An Overview

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What is Hazero Flexi Bund?

Hazero Flexi Bund (02-1006) is a barrier, also called a bund, which can be fixed to the floor in areas where oils, fuel, chemicals or other hazardous substances are present. It forms an immediate containment area in the event of a leak or spill of these liquids and prevents them from reaching vulnerable points such as public areas, stormwater drains or other non-compatible substances.

What is Hazero Flexi Bund made of?

Hazero Flexi Bund is a 75mm high triangular foam, encased in two layers of yellow PVC. The foam is a heavy duty ‘elephant’ type, which means it will flatten down when driven over, but retains its memory, or form, for a long period of time. The PVC is a highly visible safety yellow, is tear-resistant and will withstand some of the harshest chemicals on the market today.

Why use Hazero Flexi Bund?

Hazero Flexi Bund is a fast and economical solution for containing larger amounts of hazardous substances. It is quick and easy to install, and the finished product is highly visible to anyone working near or within the area. Hazero Flexi Bund provides a unique ‘bump-free’ alternative to concrete edging, meaning forklifts can enter and exit an area without the risk of destabilising the load they are carrying.

How to install it?

Hazero Flexi Bund is fixed to the floor with Hazero Contact Adhesive (02-1009) or in high traffic situations, Hazero Flexi Bund - alloy stripping and floor anchors (02-1014) can be added for longevity.

See our resource sheet here on the installation steps.

Where is Hazero Flexi Bund suitable for?

Hazero Flexi Bund is suitable for many indoor situations such as workshops, inwards goods areas, chemical stores, warehouses and processing areas. Over the years it has been used in many industry sectors including automotive, food production, chemical storage, oil and gas, fuel transfer and manufacturing.

Hazero Flexi Bund is not recommended for use outdoors.

What are the Dimensions?

Hazero Flexi Bund is sold by the metre but is produced in batch lengths, so therefore can be supplied in any required set length.  A dedicated Hazero Flexi Bund - Corner Section (02-1008) – measuring 400mm each way – is also available to ensure corner areas are easy to complete and forms a reliable seal.

Can I get customisable Hazero Flexi Bund?

If you are looking for a complete, portable containment unit – rather than a permanent and fixed barrier – then our Hazero Spillpal range might be an option worth considering. There are a number of standard configurations which you can view here. We can also supply custom made sizes of these if required.

Watch a short video

Watch our short video on Hazero Flexi Bund here.

Creating safer working environments

At Hazero our mission is zero hazards. Our extensive range of quality products will help you store, contain and control and clean-up dangerous goods and hazardous substances.

View our full range of flexible containment click here

Need help creating a safer working environment? Contact our team today on 0800 688 844 or email us at help@hazero.co.nz. Our team are also available for on-site assessments across New Zealand, click here to request a site visit.

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