Hazero Specialty Spill Kits – An Overview

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What is the difference between a ‘general’ and a ‘specialty’ spill kit?

With all the different hazardous substances in circulation today, sometimes a more specialised spill kit is needed to respond to a level that a more common spill kit would be ill-suited to do.

A ‘general’ spill kit will handle the widest range of situations and typically, the widest range of liquids. These kits normally carry a range of broad application absorbents, e.g. sorbent pads, socks, pillows and loose absorbents, along with some standard items of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, glasses and coveralls.

As detailed below, a specialty spill kit will be much more specific to a particularly hazardous substance, or group of substances. They will include dedicated materials for containing and absorbing, and PPE that is directly suited to working with those substances.   

What are the options in Speciality Spill Kits?

Body Fluid Spill Kit | 13-2000

A compact yet comprehensive kit that ensures operator safety when dealing with the hazards particular to body fluid spill clean-up.

  • Used to clean-up: body fluids, such as blood, vomit, urine, and faeces.
  • Useful in these workplaces: education, hospitality, healthcare, and retail
  • Single use or multi use? Single use
  • Is there a refill available? The low value of the kit encourages users to replace the complete kit to limit the risk of contamination with the next user.

Biohazard Spill Kit | 13-2001

This is the larger version of the Body Fluid Spill Kit. It is highly viable and will protect responders when dealing with risks from larger biohazard spills at schools, restaurants, and law enforcement agencies.

  • Used to clean-up: body fluids, such as blood, vomit, urine, and faeces.
  • Useful in these workplaces: education, hospitality, healthcare, law enforcement
  • Single use or multi use? Single use
  • Is there a refill available? No. To lower the risk of contamination to future users, we strongly encourage the user to replace the entire kit after a spill incident user.

Laboratory Spill Kit | 13-2002

This kit is a vital accessory for labs and has been designed to work with hazards specific to chemicals used in laboratories. It is also excellent for containing broken glass.

  • Used to clean-up: small spills of mild through to aggressive chemicals.
  • Useful in these workplaces: healthcare, vet centres, schools, medical and food manufacturing
  • Single use or multi use? Multi use, or to the kit’s capacity
  • Is there a refill available? No, due to the volatility of lab chemicals and the risk of contamination, we recommend the whole kit is replaced once exhausted.

Sharps Kit | 13-2003

Whenever you come across a used syringe or needle lying around, you have both the moral and legal responsibility to see that it is disposed of properly. This portable kit helps you achieve this safely without the risk of being unnecessarily exposed to hazards. 

  • Used to clean-up: used needles or syringes.
  • Useful in these workplaces: public recreation places, hospitality and medical
  • Single use or multi use? Single
  • Is there a refill available? No. This is a use and dispose kit, due to the contamination risk factor.

Mercury Spill Kit | 13-2008

A very simple and safe kit that includes a special solidifier to encircle and contain a spill of mercury. After water activation the amalgamated product is easy to scoop up and dispose.

  • Used to clean-up: mercury.
  • Useful in these workplaces: healthcare, laboratories, and electrical industry
  • Single use or multi use? Single use
  • Is there a refill available? No – due to the hazards of mercury, this kit is completely disposed of after use.

Cytotoxic Spill Kit | 13-2011

This dedicated spill kit has been developed specifically for containing and cleaning up spills of chemotherapy and other cytotoxic drugs. Used correctly, each item in this kit provides protection for the user against exposure via inhalation, absorption, ingestion, and injection.

  • Used to clean-up: chemotherapy and other cytotoxic drug spills
  • Useful in these workplaces: medical
  • Single use or multi use? Single
  • Is there a refill available? No, due to the risks associated with cytotoxic drugs, we recommend complete replacement once the kit has been used.

Formaldehyde Spill Kit | 13-2012

Features FSC-1 to reduce exposure to formaldehyde gas during a spill. The formalin is transformed into a semi-solid mass which cools rapidly, minimising formaldehyde off-gassing.

  • Used to clean-up: formaldehyde.
  • Useful in these workplaces: timber processing and manufacturing
  • Single use or multi use? Single use
  • Is there a refill available? No, this kit is designed to be replaced completely once used or exhausted.

Hazero Biosecurity Spill Kit | 13-1025

When dealing with the unloading of imported products, this kit is designed to meet the requirements of dealing with and disposing of biosecurity waste.

  • Used to clean-up: spills and other incidents that occur during container unloading.
  • Useful in these workplaces: importers, port, and other transit facilities
  • Single use or multi use? Multi
  • Is there a refill available? Yes, you can get refill kits where only the internal contents of the kit need to be replaced.

Are there other types of Spill Kits?

Yes, there are both different types and different sizes of spill kits. This is due to the variety of different liquids, the amount stored in each situation, and the level of risk for that particular area or location.

View our full range of Hazero Spill Kits, click here. To read more on the different types of Spill Kits click here.

Creating safer working environments

At Hazero our mission is zero hazards. Our extensive range of quality products will help you store, contain and control and clean-up dangerous goods and hazardous substances.

View our full range of Hazero Specialty Spill Kits here.

Need help creating a safer working environment? Contact our team today on 0800 688 844 or email us at help@hazero.co.nz. Our team are also available for on-site assessments across New Zealand, click here to request a site visit.

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